Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wishes Do Come True

I have been thinking of myself as a food writer for quite some time now, thanks to the power of visualization, my blog and other website writing, my acceptance as one by others and of course my two publishing jobs (see previous posts).

But now, I really feel like I've made it happen. I am paid now to write two cooking columns a month for the j. Being a news hound from way back, there is such a thrill to being able to see my work in an actual newspaper (ah, the power of print) with a circulation figure I can quote (um, 48,000 a week since you asked).


Monday, January 05, 2009

A New Year -- New Resolutions

Well, I have been trying to visualize myself as a food writer. I can see it, I just can't seem to make time for it!

Here's what I'd like to be able to look back on in 2010:

Two published articles in local or other publications
Increased writing on the web (averaging 2 posts a month other than on my own blogs)
Increase visibility of blog (how to quantitatively measure that to come)
Outline of non-fiction food book or series
Outline of my single subject cookbook
Become more of a go-to resource person for food organizations, food and other publications and others seeking info on areas I have expertise. (unsure how to quantify or if its needs quantification)
Continue and expand pro bono and volunteer role in hunger and other non-profit food-related efforts (? quantify?)

Here's the steps I will be taking in 2009 to see if I can't make it happen:

1. Follow up on leads for writing cookbook reviews.
2. Pick one or two local publications and do informational interviews aimed at discovering some potential story ideas to pitch.
3. Revamp my biggest marketing tool, Blog Appetit to update look, refocus content and to attract more regular readers. (FYI -- my page view count is well over 100,000 now, which is very gratifying.)
4. Put together my notes for my single-subject cookbook idea into a series of articles or posts to start shaping the cookbook proposal
5. To begin research on my non-fiction food-oriented book idea and break it down into manageable segments that I can write as blog posts, articles, etc.
6. To continue writing my monthly food column for Temple Beth Abraham on Jewish or related themes.
7. To continue writing for the Well Fed Network.
8. Contact those I have written for before to stay in touch and inquire about future projects.
9. Look for ways to connect with other food and food writing professionals.
10. Maintain ties to SF Food Bank, Oakland Asian Cultural Center and other non-profit groups and participate in on-line and other events.

That's a lot, I know, but I plan on focusing down on just a few of those at a time.

Here's some of the ways I plan to make some of these items happen:

1. Schedule time every day for writing and or research (30 minutes a day)
2. Schedule time every day for strengthening my blog and ties to the blogging and the food/food writing community (10 minutes a day)
3. Spend a half hour a week brainstorming and working on non-profit ideas/connections
4. Prioritize the above goals and write out a weekly list of what I want to do/need to do in my scheduled times as a reflection of that.
5. Keep a written record of the time spent, where spent, results, etc.

Well, that's it for now. As if that's not enough. I'd love to know any tricks or trips or "to-do" lists you might have about writing, food writing or just organizing your life.